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Rosh Chodesh Elul Retreat

Sunday August 8th 2-5pm

“In exactly one month, one revolution of the moon, you will stand before God. What will God see on that day? What will you see? This encounter can carry you significantly closer to the truth of your life. Standing in the light of God, you can see a great deal more than you ordinarily might, but only to the degree that you are already awake, only in proportion to the time and energy you have devoted to preparing for this encounter.” - z”l Rabbi Alan Lew, This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared

Join Malkhut for an online Rosh Chodesh Elul retreat to prepare our hearts for the Days of Awe. On Sunday August 8th as the month of Elul begins, we will gather for an afternoon of meditation, chanting, prayer, mindful movement, journaling, and community. The practices and activities we engage in together will help us to set our intentions for the month of Elul, traditionally a time of intensive preparation for the High Holy Days. The retreat will be led by Emily Herzlin, and we will close with a special ritual to welcome the month of Elul, led by the Malkhut Rosh Chodesh group.

What you will need:

A journal or paper, and something to write with

A yoga or exercise mat, or a soft carpet for lying down

A comfortable seat for meditation practice

Internet connection and Zoom app (we recommend using a computer)

Whatever else you need to be comfortable (water, tea, pillows, socks, a snack, etc)

This retreat is more suited to adults and teens, but children are welcome to attend (they just might get utsy during some of the longer guided meditations). Feel free to email Emily with any questions about the schedule.
